The Innovator’s Journey on Trello

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This Vetting-To-Be-Done Methodology has been extremely successsful in supporting entrepreneurs. I have made an Innovator’s Journey Way template to share with others. If you are on Trello you may use it as a template to follow or develop your own process


free Trello template

This Vetting-To-Be-Done Methodology has been extremely successsful in supporting entrepreneurs. I have made an Innovator’s Journey Way template to share with others. If you are on Trello you may use it as a template to follow or develop your own process.


Free trello template

The Pivot.City Network of Trusts (NoT) is a method for building consortia to support entrepreneurs on the Innovator’s Journey. I have made this template available to train resource providers and assess ecosystem efficiency.

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The Innovator’s Journey O-I Template is designed to assist innovators and ecosystem stakeholders in creating “uncontested market space” as a group or community.